Publication of the LaNA 2023 Linking Study Results
The LaNA 2023 Linking Study Results are now available at https://timssandpirls
IEA’s LaNA (Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) assesses emerging reading and mathematics skills at the end of primary school. LaNA draws on the well-established TIMSS and PIRLS frameworks, but in a shorter, less complex assessment format. LaNA enables internationally comparable measures of student achievement in countries where TIMSS and PIRLS are too difficult or unfeasible to implement.
The LaNA 2023 Linking Study established new Basic International Benchmarks in mathematics and reading. These benchmarks describe the knowledge and skills demonstrated by students at the lower end of the TIMSS and PIRLS achievement scales.
This report describes the main results of the LaNA 2023 Linking Study, including the percentages of students reaching the International Benchmarks (including the new Basic Benchmarks), confidence intervals for average achievement across the participating countries, and relationships between achievement and contextual factors of interest to policymakers and researchers. A series of appendices also provides information about instrument development, analysis procedures, and study operations.
For more information about LaNA participation, please visit the IEA’s LaNA webpage: