Grade 4 Science: Garden
1A: Why Plants Need Light
Correct Responses
- States that plants need light in order undergo photosynthesis OR make their own food (or similar).
- Examples:
- Plants make food using light.
- It’s for photosynthesis.
- Sunlight gives them food.
- States that plants need light for energy (or similar).
- Examples:
- Sunlight is the source of energy for all living things.
- The Sun warms the plant and gives it energy.
- Plants get energy from the Sun.
Incorrect Responses
- Gives only a general response related to plants needing light in order to live/grow (given in the stem).
- Examples:
- Light makes it grow.
- They cannot grow without it.
- To live.
- Mentions only the need for heat/warmth. [No mention of energy.]
- Examples:
- The heat from the sun helps them grow.
- Living things need warmth.
- Other incorrect
1B: One Other Thing Plants Need
Correct Responses
- States fertilizer, nutrients, minerals, plant ‘food’ (or similar term meaning nutrients).
- States air (oxygen or carbon dioxide).
- States soil, dirt, earth (or similar).
- States proper temperature (heat, warmth, etc.).
Incorrect Responses
- Repeats light, sunlight or Sun.
- Repeats water, moisture or similar.
- Other incorrect
Grade 4 Science: Garden
2: Which Side of the House Gets Most Sun
Correct Response
EAST with explanation stating that the Sun rises in the East (or similar).
- Examples:
- East. Area 4 is shaded in the morning because the Sun in
on the East side.
- East. The Sun travels from East to West.
- East. When the sun comes up on that side it makes a shadow on the
west side.
Incorrect Responses
EAST with no explanation or incorrect explanation. [May include a true
statement that does not answer the question.]
- Examples:
- East. Because it is closest to the pond.
- East. Because it’s on the East side.
- East. Because the Sun travels across the sky.
- WEST with an explanation stating that the Sun rises in the West (or
- Examples:
- West. When the sun rises in the morning it’s on the west.
- WEST with no explanation or other incorrect explanation.
- Examples:
- West. The oak trees are there.
- Other incorrect
Grade 4 Science: Garden
3A: Why Roses Will Not Grow in Area 1
Correct Response
- Refers to there not being enough light (or too much shade) in Area
1 for the roses to grow (explicitly or implicitly).
- Examples:
- The trees will provide too much shade.
- There isn’t much light in Area 1.
- They would not get much sun.
Incorrect Response
- Refers only to the oak trees. [No explicit reference to light/shade.]
- Examples:
- Because of the oak trees.
- There is no room for roses under the oak trees.
- The oak trees soak up all the water.
- Other incorrect
Grade 4 Science: Garden
3B: Plants That Will Grow in Each Area
Correct Responses
- Identifies the correct plant(s) in all four areas:
- Area 1 (shade or part shade): fern or wood rush
- Area 2 (sun all day): rose or tomato plant
- Area 3 (morning sun or part shade): shooting star or wood rush
- Area 4 (afternoon sun or part shade): shrub or wood rush
- As above but plants in Areas 3 and 4 are reversed.
Partial Response
- Identifies correct plants in at least one area but less than four areas.
Incorrect Response
Grade 4 Science: Garden
4: How Seeds Get into Garden
Correct Response
States that the seeds were blown into the garden (by the wind) or similar.
- Examples:
- The wind blew them.
- They were carried through the air.
- Birds could have dropped them.
Incorrect Responses
States only that someone planted the seeds there (or similar).
- Examples:
- Rebecca must have planted them and forgot about it.
- Somebody else put them there.
States only that the seeds came from a plant. [No method of dispersal
- Examples:
- The seeds fell from the plant.
- Some other plants might have grown the seeds.
- She got them from another plant.
- Other incorrect
Grade 4 Science: Garden
5: Why Insects Are Important for Flowering Plants
Correct Responses
States that some insects (e.g., butterflies, bees) are needed for pollination
or reproduction of plants (or similar).
- Examples:
- Bees pollinate the plants.
- Some insects are important because plants can’t reproduce without
- They take the pollen to others of the same species.
States that some insects eat other insects that are bad for plants
(or similar).
- Examples:
- They will eat all the bad bugs in the garden.
- Some insects are important because they eat other insects.
- Spiders and ladybugs will eat the bugs that are killing the plants.
- Worms dig into the soil and bring in air for the plants.
Incorrect Responses
Gives only a general/vague response related to insects helping plants
with inadequate description.
- Examples:
- Some insects are helpful to plants.
- They need them to grow.
Names a specific insect important to plants but with no specific benefit
to plants given.
- Examples:
- Bees, ladybugs, butterflies, etc.
- Refers to pollen but with no or inadequate description of the benefit to plants.
- Examples:
- Bees need pollen.
- Bees are for pollen.
- They produce the right kind of pollen for the plant.
- Other incorrect